Major health issues in disenfranchised communities are rampant. High blood pressure, diabetes, blood clots, and obesity are common ailments in communities of color. Food deserts are plentiful throughout the country.
People living there regularly purchase high salt, high fat alternatives like canned goods because that is all that is available from the corner store. Fresh fruits and vegetables are in short supply in these communities.
Many of the health conditions in these communities can be traced to years of poor nutrition due to a severe Lack of Choice. Economics also plays a part. Food choices that are available tend to be higher priced which means people are paying more for food that is causing long term health issues.
Part of our comprehensive approach includes a hydroponics system with all of our housing modules. Not only does this teach good agricultural and survival skills, but participants are growing their own fresh fruits and vegetables right on their patio or backyard!
The hydroponic systems are compact and can grow enough food for the family plus a portion to Donate to the Community Food Bank! Making better food choices through education teaches what is actually good for the body and not just what is advertised.
Although many efforts have been made with some success, health and nutrition in communities of color is still severely lacking evidenced by the fact the rate of disease continues to climb. Pre-existing conditions seems to contribute to the high rate of death in communities of color from COVID 19.
Holistic treatments along with moderate exercise and diet is also gaining popularity as a more natural way to treat the body without harmful side effects. Fresh fruits and vegetables free of harmful chemicals can go a long way on the road to healthy nutrition.